Welcome to the mirror for Byzantium
We are building a portable live Linux distribution based on Porteus Linux. Porteus itself is a fork of Slax that has been brought up to date with Slackware 13.37 and uses a kernel. Porteus can use binary packages from Slackware 13.37 after conversion to Porteus' native format.
- Make it possible for people in emergency situations to communicate and collaborate.
- Make it possible for people in areas where the communications infrastructure is compromised to communicate and collaborate.
- Provide services to support communication and collaboration.
- Will be secure out of the box.
- Best practices for isolating running services will be followed.
- Best practices for configuration web applications will be followed.
- Least privilege will be followed wherever possible.
- Will be extensively documented.
- A Creative Commons-licensed book will be made available with the Byzantium distribution as well as separately
- Will explain the finer points of setting up a mesh, as well as accompanying projects (such as dialup gateways and long-haul transports).
- Will be translated into as many languages as possible.
- Widely compatible.
- Users need to be able to boot their desktop/laptop/netbook from Byzantium media and set up a node.
- As little fiddling with network drivers as possible.
- Rapidly deployable.
- Users need to be able to configure their Byzantium node rapidly and with little assistance.
- Emergency situations.
- Control panel aims to be as self-documenting as possible.
- Aims to protect confidentiality of traffic.
- Opportunistic IPsec?
- All services default to SSLv3/TLSv1.
- Aims to protect integrity of traffic.
- Meshes should grow without the direction of a central authority.
- Anyone can set up a mesh node.
- Anyone can set up services on the mesh.
- Services packaged by default can be managed (activated and deactivated) from the control panel
- Services packaged by default will come preconfigured with secure defaults and a mobile-friendly theme where appropriate.
- This is a calculated risk. The threat models of Tor and I2P take this into account as well.
- Byzantium nodes need to be rapidly clonable.
- One copy of the live distribution needs to become many on demand.
- Nodes need to be clonable without taking the node down.
- Persistent storage has to be an option.
- Built into Porteus.
- save.dat file
- removable media
- media Porteus is installed to
- Dependencies will be automatically managed by the control panel.
- Can support multiple mesh routing protocols.
- Modular configuration back end.
- Multiple pre-packaged, pre-configured web applications for communication and collaboration.
- All services can be independently activated and deactivated.
- Aims for security by default.
- Services are not active unless explicitly triggered.
- Services are configured using best practices for security.
- Services support strong cryptography by default.
- Supports gatewaying from the mesh to the Net over a live connection.
- Supports persistent (encrypted) storage on demand (not default).
- Note: When creating a save.dat file under Porteus, if the drive it's on is formatted FAT-32 or less, the file MUST be <1024MB, else, the /linuxrc script that forms the core of the distro will pretend that it can't locate the file, regardless of where you put it. This drove me bonkers for two months!
- If possible we should try to make save.dat a second partition on the thumbdrive (ala casper-rw for ubuntu liveUSBs) there are some big benefits to this:
- it makes it harder for windows users to see that there is a second partition in case big brother decides to inspect the contents of all thumbdrives.
- it means we won't have to worry about file size limits.
Click here to go to their official website.
All donations go towards the expansion project of Linux Freedom