penaOS Linux

Welcome to the mirror for penaOS

penaOS is a linux distribution that aims to help people to write scientific articles. Basically it integrates openoffice with zotero, a plug-in of the browser Mozilla Firefox. Zotero is a plug-in to manage the reference you have, just like endnote or refman.

PenaOS is built on the stable Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. The old version of Ubuntu is used because we prefer stability in building the base of penaOS. PenaOS also has the complete set of multimedia codec, so you will be able to play most of the multimedia type with penaOS. Why is this important? Because making scientific paper is not only a matter of scientific ability, but also about mood.

After a long waiting, almost a year i think, the first version of penaOS released. The first released version is penaOS 0.7.
In this release, penaOS based on Ubuntu 8.04.3 Hardy Heron include the following software :

  • GNOME Desktop Environment
  • OpenOffice 2.4
  • Firefox ( with plugins zotero, downthemall and fireFTP, along with bookmarks of medical journals)
  • Balsa (an email software, integrated with GNOME)
  • GIMP (image editing software)
  • Skype
  • Wine
  • DropBox
  • Gyachi (a yahoo mail client)
  • Wireless driver manager (for managing windows wireless driver in penaOS)
  • All the multimedia codecs from Medibuntu (so you can play many kind of multimedia files and media while making your papers :) )

Click here to go to their official website.

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